All of our wood windows have solid Douglas fir framing with screwed and glued miter joints. Unlike mortise and tenon joints, miter joints eliminate exposed end grain, which may result in more resistance to rot and deterioration. A kerf system Schlegal® weather-stripping is standard on all operable windows, making replacement simple if ever needed. Concealed four-bar friction hinges are standard, and butt hinges are available for oversized casements. Horizontal sliders operate on stainless steel ball bearing wheels and tracks. White primer/sealer is applied after sanding and before any hardware, weather-stripping or glazing is installed.
- Pictures
- Casements
- Awnings
- Horizontal Sliders
- Singlehungs
- Doublehungs
- Angles
- Bays
- Bows
- True Divided Lites
- Simulated Divided Lites

Since we have installed windows from our company’s inception, we have designed our wood windows in a variety of thicknesses, to greatly facilitate ease of installation in both new construction and replacement window applications. For example, singlehungs, doublehungs and horizontal sliders are all the same depth, and fit within the “pocket” left after removing an original old wood sash. Our goal has always been to maintain the original look as closely as possible after installation on both interior and exterior surfaces. Windows can be ordered with or without nailing flanges, either for new construction or replacement installations.
A variety of configurations and styles can be achieved by mulling different frames together. True wood divisions can be utilized to separate individual panes of glass. Internal grids are available in white, grey, light bronze and dark bronze. As well, leading can be applied to the inboard, outboard or both glass surfaces in an assortment of patterns and designs.
Simulated divided lites are available as an alternative method to divide glass surfaces, by securely bonding wood profiles to the inside and outside lite, maintaining a narrower profile.
Other exterior or interior treatments such as brick mold, shake mold, faux wood sills or jamb extensions can be utilized as well.